That is the question…our web designer set us up with this blog page incorporated into our website. I didn’t request it, but it is here so I assume I am expected to use it. I have struggled with the idea of what the content should be and how it will affect the shop. I certainly need to avoid politics. I am told I can turn on or off the “comments” option. I like the idea of hearing feedback, but certainly want to be able to control the “voice of opposition.”
I’m guessing as I move forward I’ll find my way and hopefully it will become another tool to provide you “the customer” with the best experience that I “the proprietor” can provide. Let’s do this!
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Maybe you can promote sales or other metaphysical type events going down in the Galveston/Houston area.
Good for you Clyde. I'm wondering if you are a reincarnation of my dad Clyde Boone. He passed in 1970, when were you born? Blogs: I set one up and now can't find it. I guess that means I just thought I completed the task, huh? Love The Witchery!
Go, Clyde!
Although I'd love to read the political, you're right that it probably wouldn't serve your business well. (On the other hand, once you get 'hooked' on blogging, you can always start a political blog - be sure to let me know!)
The suggestion for sales promotion is good for your business, and for metaphysical events is good for your customer. Also, bits of historical info on the occult - or current events related to your business. Some of your personal metaphysical experiences?
Whatever you post, I'm sure it will be interesting and well worth reading.
I'm bookmarking you.
Jim, I'm slightly off the mark for your Dad. With a name like Clyde I'm sure he was an interesting character. Ha!
m, thanks for the suggestions!
A gentle, but progressive "guide" for those who have only recently begun their journey may be useful. Again, pointing to various books and such available in the store.
The hardest part of any journey is the first step..... (knowing you're heading in a useful direction makes it more satisfying.)
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